Friday, October 24, 2008


Purposely start this blog, hopefully it will act as a guide to those who will be taking Internal Medicine this sem.

Firstly, i would like to suggest several books that NEED to be read before starting the posting(or after if you've already start it). The suggested sequence are:

1) Nicholas Tally and simon o connor: Read and master all the signs and physical examination technique of all 4 main systems :CVS, Respiratory, GIT and Nervous system.
2) TheECG made easy--> make sure u can interprete the 9 ecg given at the end of the book
3)HEart sound made easy(use stethoscope to hear, not your bare ears)
4) CHest X ray made easy**
5) KUmar and Clark (small one is enough, complement with Papa Robin)

Other miscellaneous examination such as rheumatology can be learn later after you have learnt about the disease.

**Important chest X rays that must be mastered is 1)pneumothorax 2) pleural effusion 3)pneumonia 4)tuberculosis 5) pulmonary edema 6)bronchiectasis 7) COPD

Read first ok : ) gudluck

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