Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Brilliant students of Malaysia today

Today, i read something in the star that really amuse me. A Science stream student taking Biology,Chemistry and Physics, felt disappointed because he/she couldn't take an additional paper, Science.

I AM a Form 5 student who will be sitting for my SPM examination this year. Initially, 40 of my classmates and I planned to take both Science and Ekonomi Asas, but now we are unable to do so.
This is because, as according to our teachers, the Science and Physics paper are slotted at the same time and date, and similarly the Ekonomi Asas and Biology papers.
Being Science stream students, Physics and Biology are compulsory. After studying Science and Ekonomi Asas for more than a year, it is very disappointing that we are unable to take these subjects.
Last year, there were no clashes. And I wish to stress that we checked the 2008 timetable before choosing our subjects. We were even advised by the seniors, and we were not told earlier that problems like these would arise.
Education Ministry, please do something. Do not let our efforts go to waste

Personally, i would tell the Education Ministry not to let your effort go into waste, but at the same time i would like to tell you not to let your TIME go into waste. Why do you want to take Science when you have already studied Physics, Chemistry and Biology in depth? What happen if you got A1 for science and C4 for Physics, Chemistry and biology? Will the A1 help you?
And reading this letter, this student have no aim in life. He/she still doesn't know what he/she wanted to do after school.

And do everybody know how this type of student is produced? Read the next article.

MY daughter is in Year One. She is very shy and worries a lot. She cries every morning without fail as she always has something to worry about.
During the first few days of school, she was scared and my husband and I took leave to be with her. We tried to help her to adapt to the new environment.
Today, I received a phone call from her school asking me to take her home as she had fever. When I arrived at her school, her class teacher told me that when she checked my daughter’s forehead, it did not seem like she had any fever.
I knew my daughter was lying to me because she was afraid to attend Chinese class. I was very disappointed and angry with her.

My daughter has a full week with tuition classes in different subjects. This year, she has one extra tuition class – Bahasa Malaysia

Am I putting too much pressure on her? I want my daughter to be happy. She’s just six-plus, and she worries so much. I’m worried that she may have a breakdown one day.

Imagine a year one student who just got into school, who havent got used to the new environment and life, is forced to have, in her mother's word, a FULL WEEK WITH TUITION CLASSES IN DIFFERENT SUBJECTS,WITH ONE BAHASA MALAYSIA EXTRA TUITION CLASS THIS YEAR.

I couldn't imagine the mental torment that poor child must be suffering. If i am her, i would have hated school soo much. I would lost interest in school.
If i survive, i would grow up and wonder what i did in my childhood. In my form 5, i would try to take Physics, Bio and Chem and also Science because i've already went to tuition for that. And i will be angry with the Education ministry when the time for Chem coincide with Science.

Then when i'm older and have a child, my child would ask me what i did when i was younger. I would proudly tell her ," in 1 week, i went to 20 different tuition classes,3 tuition everyday." Then my child would ask me what games i played during my childhood, what enjoyable things i've done and what cheeky things i've done during my childhood. I tried to think, but couldn't thing of any, the most interesting thing in my childhood is when i got my 1st Casio 350 scientific calculator.

In short, my life will be just, black and white. There's no colours to it at all.

This is what happen today. In my 13 years of formal education, i only go to 1 tuition class, that is in form 6, but i didn't think it helped because its exactly the same with what is being taught at school. So to parents who is so eager to sent their children off to tuition hoping they will score 30A1s in their SPM, forget it la......Spend more time with your children, encourage them to study on their own like what my mum did....then SPM wont be a problem.

As for the student, no need to go to any "famous" tuition classes. No need to take Science when you've already taken the 3 science subjects. USE YOUR BRAIN before you do anything la......don't take subjects in spm just to make your result look great ok......If you want to take, take EKonomi asas is ok, Perdagangan etc. That will show that you are good in both fields, but still it doesnt show how holistic you are right?

1 comment:

~YM~ said...

these unicell peeps just can't take it. It's been like that for many years that the subject sains and sains tambahan coincides with either 3 of the pure science subjects. The reason was to prevent them from taking the paper with same knowledge, since there's no point testing your same knowledge twice.

And most are paying tuition fees as if people buying those amulet (aka azimat) from temple, cos it appeases the heart, not the knowledge.

in fact, i've oni gone for tuition in SPM for 2 subs. Prinsip akaun cos take ourselves, and ekonomi asas which I din take the exam (since that parasite tuition center forced students to take minimum 2 subs and ekonomi asas class is right after P.akaun) :P