Saturday, May 23, 2009

Starters for Internal Medicine


What are the signs to look for when examining a patient with a thyroid problem?
What is the best way to visualise a mass in the neck?
Are there any non pathological cause of hyperthyroidism? If yes, how do we manage?
What is meant by thyroid storm?
a patient's blood test show that she have subclinical hypothyroidism. Explain what is meant by this and plan your management.
a 71 year old lady presented with anorexia, depression, weight loss and muscle weakness for 2 years duration. There is no history of heat intolerance or tremor. ECG showed changes consistent with atrial fibrillation. On examination, the only finding is eyelid ptosis. Neck examination show a mildly enlarged thyroid gland. What is your differentials? What investigation would you do?

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